$8,000 MRR Milestone

Alex Buran
2 min readOct 26, 2020

ConveyThis is now a $8,000 MRR SaaS company. We’ve been working hard to achieve that level by building a great product that lots of people use.

As you can see from the graph above, it is a rather slow growth. That’s due to the low base line. When you bootstrap the company, especially SAAS, your earning take a long time to start kicking in. The revenue is captured in small chunks over months, similar to real estate rental revenue. The greatest fortune is made not on the monthly recurring revenue, but on the transactional sale — when you actually sell or acquire someone.

When it comes to self reflection, it is still hard to guess what’s the biggest driving factor of ConveyThis. Is it organic search? Is it paid search? Is it referral marketing? To tell you the truth, it’s still unclear. Just a combination of both.

We tried to experiment with sign up process by “simplifying” the activation procedure, but then experienced a big drop of new activation for various reasons. It’s hard to tell without a proper feedback mechanism. Here is a video on that:

My biggest speculation about the rapid growth of the product is the ability to expand online in organic Google search. It was evident, then when we purchased and re-routed traffic from conveythis.com to websitewordcalculator.com, the majority of web searches were lost. It’s all about the domain authority and behavioral factors. ConveyThis domain has way more authority and sticks around better than a new website with virtually blank history. As a result, lower Google rankings, lower referral traffic.

We’ve launched Traditional Chinese. It’s a great language and is not censored in the same way as Simplified Chinese for the mainland of China. People who speak Traditional Chinese are well educated, connected to Google, Youtube and Facebook. It is way easier to do business with them than mainland China. Here is our video about that:

In addition to new languages, we’ve also overhauled the machine translation engine. We replaced the aging, cheaper translator with a modern, more precise, more expensive one. This resulted in our internal costs to double, but also boosted the quality of machine translations in many languages. Our hope is that you would appreciate the high quality product and would like our low price that we still honoring during COVID-19. Here is a video on that:

So, all in all, ConveyThis is a solid website translation technology. It continues to please our customers and intimidate our competitors with low prices they would never match.

What do you think about it? Share you thoughts in comments.

